I kept telling people that my life was so crazy that I should write a book. Well, a blog is a lot easier, less time consuming, and cheaper. I will recap this couple of weeks, and then go from there, is that cool? Awesome, it doesn't matter your response at this point, once you are reading this it is too late and this post is completed.
First off, background info. I work 2 jobs and take 16credits. The 20th I had an awesome life changing experience and I have been consistently less depressed. I live w/ 4 other people and more animals than I care to count. OK, I think thats enough.... Let's go! :)
Sept 23: My car was scraped by the van my roomie was driving when he backed out of the driveway
Sept. 24: I got to go w/ my BFF to a free, advance screening of whip it! It was an awesome movie and made me really want to get involved with a violent sport..... (for the record, I almost joined women's rugby last year, but didn't have time b/c of theatre)
Sept 25: I got to go to my first real party that wasn't a theatre party, Was going to see Human Groove Hormone (who are awesome!) but we got shut down b/c of noise, then I chilled w/ my BFF on the trunk of my car, after which we went to the convenience store to get drinks B4 the long ride home and then chilled w/ the cashier for like 40 mins. He is now a facebook friend, so it is official. Also, got like 2 hours sleep b4 work.
Sept 26: I had to pick up a roomie from work b/c he was way sick... got to take an amazing 15 min nap..... My joints are old, they were really hurting.... Found out there was a shooting less than a mile from my house. one wounded, two dead, shooter still on the loose.....
Sept 28: A cat puked on my bed, got a haircut, went downtown and as I was trying to park scraped a lexus (I drive a toyota camry....), locked my keys in the car..... then my BFF came and waited w/ me till another friend came w/ a key, then we all went to eat. once we where at the restaurant getting out of the car (15-20 mins away) we realize my BFF left her purse (w/ her entire identity in it) in the parking lot of a major city.... On our way back to it we call the police to see if they will go look, and they wouldn't, upon arrival we find said purse!!
Sept 29: I woke up hours b4 normal, smelt weed on the train, finally got a school ID and bus pass, and convinced her boss (after working a closing shift only once) to let her close AND count down the registers.
Sept 30: I was informed I had 3 days off b/c of a misunderstanding, and therefore can see HGH (Human Groove Hormone) play as well as be crew. Also found out my Bro would basically be in town, Had an awesome experience w/ the bank where both checks I deposited were immediately available so I could actually pay rent, talked to the man in charge of the Canterbury house up here, randomly met a guy and got his #, went to a diff guys house to watch a soccer game (I don't have TV) and then instead of crashing at his place or falling asleep at the steering wheel I slept in the car.
*Oct 1: I got soaked (while wearing a dark bra and light work shirt) on a delivery and only got a $2 tip, when I got back to the store a nice frat boy gave me a dry shirt, changing my formerly completely negative opinion of frat guys. I realized there was a $2 bill in the register, so made sure that my tip was in one bill :) I also ended up closing even though I was supposed to get off at 9.
ok.... I think that is all for now, If i change or add anything I will make a note of it. I will add a post any day something random, epic, or fail occurs, so check back often :)
Oh, also, these posts will probably be posted pretty late.... Right now I feel like I am about to fall asleep, so if there is grammatical errors, I'm kinda sorry, but really don't care.
*LOL, a friend pointed out that I had posted this paragraph as NOV 1......
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